My Petite Baby Grande loves the Children

My Piano Students

I love my piano and my students love my Petit Baby Grande as well. I am not a parent and have never had children, but when the children come through my door and into my studio I feel so honored to be a part of their developing “creative process”. A child is so receptive to music and learning something new. They sit at my Petit Baby Grande and wonder. I can tell that their fingers are tingling, egging to play anything that comes to their mind… I am so excited and thankful to meet them there, and share my joy of playing the piano with them

In teaching children piano I have noticed a dramatic development in the self-awareness and self-esteem of the children over time. The ability of the child to also compose soon after the start of lessons is astounding, and with the grasping of some fundamental elements in music theory, a good portion are very comfortable coming up with their patterns, and can easily create their own music, leading into a natural set of composition skills.

The more the teacher gives the child to explore using the tools (piano techniques)I find that this can and will keep the child engaged in an ever-evolving creative pattern, creating something from nothing which ultimately gives the child a creative outlet and a stronger sense of being. Being a music teacher/coach and having also been a student, I feel that this a more practical way of teaching, because the teacher has the assurance that the child has made a personal connection with the instrument, and most often will always have the piano to go back to.

The piano is also an instrument that all musicians turn to.

I for one have used the Piano for composing, also for accompaniment for others and for myself, performing, and using my Nord keyboard for performing and recording with my Logic Program.

I love my Piano, and so do the children.